VETS ALL NATURAL Cat & Dog Health Booster 500g is a great alternative to synthetically manufactured pet supplements. VETS ALL NATURAL contains vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and antioxidants and is tasty and low-allergen - perfect for pets of all ages.
- Dolomite supplies natural sources of calcium and magnesium.
- Calcium is required for healthy teeth and bones, and both minerals are involved in a myriad of metabolic processes in the body, including muscular movement.
- Yeast and liver are some of the richest sources of B complex vitamins, especially B1 or thiamin.
- Chromium is involved in regulating blood glucose levels, and deficiency can result in diabetes.
- Selenium acts as an anti-oxidant (along with vitamins A, C, and E), which helps maintain a strong immune system, slows down the ageing process and maintains elasticity in the tissues. The liver also supplies good levels of vitamins A and D.
- Flaxseed meal provides significant levels of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are commonly deficient in many processed pet foods.
- Omega 3 fatty acids can exert a potent anti-inflammatory effect when supplemented in the diet.
- Kelp is a rich source of iodine which is vital for the normal function of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland controls the metabolic rate of an animal, and hence its energy levels, stamina, body fat, and reproductive ability.
- Kelp is also rich in B vitamins, and vitamins D, E, and K, along with calcium and magnesium.
- Lecithin is a naturally-occurring constituent of every cell in the body. It functions to give power and vigour to the brain, cleanses the kidneys and liver, breaks down cholesterol and fats, and increases immunity against viral infection.
- Milk thistle extract is clinically proven to help restore and promote liver function and aids in detoxifying the body.
- Parsley and barley grass is potent "green food", containing high levels of vitamins, minerals and powerful anti-oxidants.
- Combine with grape seed extract and green tea to deliver a potent free radical scavenger effect, which has been proven to promote cell health and delay ageing and the onset of degenerative diseases.
- Wheat germ is a potent natural source of vitamin E, which is another potent anti-oxidant, as well as being essential for a multitude of metabolic reactions, immune function, and co-enzyme pathways.
- Ginger is added as a digestive aid, well known for its ability to settle digestive upsets and nausea. It also possesses natural anti-inflammatory ingredients and improves peripheral circulation.
- Vitamin C is another powerful antioxidant, and when the body is under stress or attacked by bacteria or viruses, the production of vitamin C is accelerated dramatically.
- Garlic is a natural antibiotic and blood cleanser and has recently been listed by the World Health Organisation as the most important anti-cancer dietary ingredient.
- Colostrum powder is a potent source of immunoglobulins (antibodies) and non-specific immune system stimulators like "transfer factor".
- Shark Cartilage powder is a natural source of glycosaminoglycans (eg glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate) which would normally be present in the diet of dogs and cats eating raw bones.
- Zinc and Boron are both trace minerals that can be deficient in modern pet foods. Zinc deficiency affects the skin, the immune system and the reproductive system, and boron deficiency causes weakened bones and joint degeneration.
- Tasty and low-allergen supplement mix made in Australia
- Great for pets of all ages, from young and growing to older
Dolomite, Liver Granules, Flax Seed Meal, Vitamin C Powder, Green Tea, Milk Thistle Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Brewers Yeast, Barley Grass Powder, Kelp Granules, Parsley Powder, Ginger, Lecithin Granules, Wheat Germ, Garlic Powder, Colostrum Powder, Shark Cartilage Powder, Boron Chelate, Zinc Chelate.
Check the label to ensure you are providing your pet with the right amount of supplements.
500 grams