Bravecto Chew is a delicious long-lasting chew that protects your dog against paralysis ticks, fleas and more. It's safe for puppies over 8 weeks old, weighing 2kg or more, and can be used in breeding, pregnant and lactating dogs. Bravecto Chew is also ideal for treating brown dog ticks, bush ticks, Sarcoptes, Demodex and ear mites.
- Treatment and prevention of flea (Ctenocephalides felis) infestations for 3 months.
- Provides effective control of fleas on dogs within 8 hours of administration.
- Controls flea allergy dermatitis (FAD).
- Interrupts the flea lifecycle due to the rapid onset of action – kills newly emerged adult fleas before they lay eggs, long-lasting efficacy against adult fleas on the animal and prevents viable egg production.
- Effective against fipronil-resistant strains of fleas.
- Treatment and control of paralysis tick (Ixodes holocyclus) for 4 months.
- Treatment and control of brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) for 2 months.
- Treatment and control of bush tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis) for 2 months.
- Provides effective control of pre-existing infestations of paralysis ticks within 24 hours.
- In tick season, daily searching for and removal of ticks found is recommended.
- Easy to administer.
- Highly palatable and well accepted by most dogs.
- Can be administered all year round.
- Treatment and control of ear mite (Otodectes cynotis), demodex mite (Demodex spp.) and sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) after a single treatment.
- Can be used in puppies over 8 weeks of age, weighing at least 2 kg and safe in breeding, pregnant and lactating dogs.
- Recommended for large dogs weighing 20kg to 40kg.
Active Constituent: 136.4 g/kg Fluralaner
Giving Bravecto Chew for Dogs is easy. Simply give your dog our tasty chew at, or around, mealtimes and let them chomp their way to long-lasting flea and paralysis tick protection.
For oral use only.
- Administer Bravecto chewable tablets at or around the same time as the dog’s meal.
- If the tablet is not accepted voluntarily by the dog, it can also be given with food or placed directly into the mouth for swallowing.
- A single Bravecto chewable tablet should be administered according to the bodyweight of the dog (see table below).
- For dogs weighing more than 56 kg, administer a combination of two tablets that most closely match the bodyweight of the dog (see table below).
- To ensure a therapeutic dose is administered, the chewable tablets should not be broken or divided.
Dosage and Administration:
- For optimal treatment and control of flea infestation, use Bravecto chew every 3 months
- For optimal treatment and control of paralysis tick, use Bravecto chew every 4 months
- For optimal treatment and control of brown dog tick, use Bravecto chew every 2 months
- One dose clears ear mite and sarcoptic mange infestations within 1 month, and demodex mite infestation within 2 months
- The absence of mites can be confirmed by 2 consecutive monthly skin scrapings. If mite infestation reoccurs, consult with a veterinarian
- Read the entire label/enclosed leaflet for full instructions before use
Dogs Bodyweight: 2* - 4.5kg
Number of tablets: 1
Strength of tablet to be administered:112.5mg
Dogs Bodyweight: > 4.5 – 10 kg
Number of tablets: 1
Strength of tablet to be administered:250mg
Dogs Bodyweight: > 10 – 20kg
Number of tablets: 1
Strength of tablet to be administered:500mg
Dogs Bodyweight: > 20 – 40kg
Number of tablets: 1
Strength of tablet to be administered:500 mg
Dogs Bodyweight: > 40 – 56kg
Number of tablets: 1
Strength of tablet to be administered:1400 mg
Treatment Schedule:
- For optimal treatment and control of flea infestation, use Bravecto chew every 3 months.
- For optimal treatment and control of paralysis tick, use Bravecto chew every 4 months.
- For optimal treatment and control of brown dog tick, use Bravecto chew every 2 months.
- One dose clears ear mite and sarcoptic mange infestations within 1 month, and demodex mite infestation within 2 months.
The absence of mites can be confirmed by 2 consecutive monthly skin scrapings. If mite infestation reoccurs, consult with a veterinarian.