Collection: PARAGARD

Paragard is the brand established for the treatment and control of worms and to protect our pets against intestinal worms, as you know there are various ways how worms are transmitted to cats and dogs. Drinking contaminated milk from the mother during nursing. Rolling in, sniffing, eating, stepping in or licking contaminated soil. Consuming infected prey is just some of the common ways intestinal worms are transmitted to our pets.

Paragard dog and cat dewormers are formulated to help prevent gastrointestinal diseases, malnourishment and anemia.  Pet parents can depend on this product to protect against these parasitic worms. It is prudent though to consult with the veterinary doctor for complete and supervised treatment using Paragard All-wormer.

Log in to Petso Au for a comprehensive list of pet deworming medications and supplements for preventative care and improving your pet's health.

4 products